(Redirected from Mascots)
This site is a tribute to the Krantz-family era of Adventureland (1973-2021).
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Information on this site is unofficial. It is compiled by fans of Adventureland amusement park in Altoona, Iowa (near Des Moines). There may be inaccuracies and omissions. For official Adventureland information, visit the official website. |
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This page was last updated on 05/24/2018. Total Pages: 317. Total Files: 327.
Home - Characters

The park features several mascots that appear as walk-around characters during the day:
- Bernie Bernard the St. Bernard (updated look in 2017)
- Gilda the gorilla
- Heather the dog
- Toby the tiger
- P.T. Barnaby animatronic
Visiting Characters
Seen in 2016:
- Tall Elvis - Brad Weston on stilts
- Tall Patriotic Guy - Brad Weston on stilts (no beard, so it's not Uncle Sam)
Some characters are no longer seen in the park.
- Bandmaster - per photo on DM Register article
- Garfield the cat was a visiting mascot in 2001.
- Henry the dog
- Jack the Giraffe - a wood sculpture
- Keystone Cop - per photo on DM Register article
- Leo the Lion
- Molly Mouse - post card called it "Mickey the Mouse" but park says it was Molly.
- Frog...????
- TODO: List of all those other mascots from the early post cards.