Unsubstantiated Inverter Rumor of the Day

 Some potential good news for Inverter fans!

Yesterday, Saturday June 10, 2017, Facebook member Joey H. reported that The Inverter was being tested, giving hope that the ride is repaired and will soon return to operating in the park. Thank you, Joey, for passing this along!

Today, however, we have different news.

The UIROTD (Unsubstantiated* Inverter Rumor of the Day) for Saturday, June 11, 2017 is that it is the The Inverter is now officially* leaving the park, to be replaced by … we don’t know yet.

This comes from a Facebook comment left by a ride operator in the park:

“Official word has just come-down the inverter is going to be replaced but nobody knows with what”

I’ll leave out the poster’s name in case they weren’t supposed to mention this and decide to delete the original.

Wait a sec. Can anything “official” still be considered a rumor? I really want to use my new Rumor category here. I guess since, as much as I trust Facebook for all my medical and political advice, the only official Adventureland statements on Facebook have to come from the park’s official page, I can happily call this a rumor.

All of you who like this ride should make sure to hop on it this season for one last ride. Assuming it starts running, that is.

*un·sub·stan·ti·at·ed  – not supported or proven by evidence. Aren’t all rumors unsubstantiated by nature? I mean, if they were supported or proven by evidence, would they be a rumor?

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