Updated 6/5/2017 – Added more photos and web links.
I guess I never realized the Adventureland handouts are dated, and get changed during the year — including changes to the map!
Since 1997, the Royal Hanneford Circus has been entertaining guests starting Memorial Day Weekend. We were told last year that the circus would be returning for the 2017. When the park opened this season, a large circus tent was already set up back in Outlaw Gulch (though the show itself would not open until Memorial Day Weekend). I noticed the tent looked different, and the large banner said “Billy Martin Presents the Adventureland Circus.” Billy Martin is the name of the ringmaster who has been with the Royal Hanneford CIrcus circus since it first came to Adventureland.
At that time, the map in The Daily Adventure handout (dated April 30th-May 27th) looked to be the same as 2016 (as does the one on the website). The handout map was “Sponsored by perficut”…

…and the map in the handout labeled the circus tent as “Royal Hanneford Circus”:

The Show Times page listed “Starting May 27th the Circus is Back! The Royal Hanneford Circus.”

It seems that the time the circus arrived, it was being billed as “Billy Martin presents The Adventureland Circus.”

During the circus’ opening weekend, I asked them about this. It turns out it is a brand new circus, not connected with Royal Hanneford Circus, in a brand new tent, ran by ringmaster Billy Martin.
The next edition of the show guide was revised (the map is now sponsored by RIPKE).

On the circus tent, a new text box reads “Adventureland Circus.” The Show Times section inside now refers to Adventureland Circus.

When I saw the 5 o’clock performance, it featured several performers that were there last year (the quick change couple, the contortionist, and one of the aerial acrobats) plus some I did not recognize.
With the same ringmaster as years past, and many familiar acts from last year, it should entertain folks as much as always – just in a nicer, newer tent with improved lighting and sound. Ringmaster Billy Martin says each show will have a different line up of acts, and during the season they will be swapping out acts to keep the show fresh. I look forward to checking it out again on my next visit.
Now I have to pick up copies of the map throughout the year when a new edition comes out…
P.S. You can hear the distinct voice of Billy Martin somewhere else in the park… Do you know where? Answer in the comments.
- http://www.billymartincircus.com – official website for the circus.
- https://www.facebook.com/Billy-Martin-Presents-1846722792236528 – Facebook page